
Wilber Khasilwa Ottichilo SUBSCRIBE


Perfomance Rating 1.6


No information

Leadership Assess leadership skills and decision-making.

(13 Votes)

Policy Execution Assess the implementations of the promised policies outlined in the manifesto.

(12 Votes)

Public Engagement Public relations

(10 Votes)

Submitted Pillars

Domitillah Okemo

1 month ago

Policy Execution No formal act since the national government released the national public participation act always giving excuses the attorney general is amending it

Samir fadhili

1 month ago

Social Inclusion and Equality 5


1 month ago

Healthcare Transformation The county refferal hospital needs more attention, kindly install and operationalise MRI, human resource should be beefed up

Lisa Achieng

1 month ago

Healthcare Transformation What's the hold up with Doctors Plaza?

Violet Mugeha

1 month ago

Social Inclusion and Equality good