
Wilber Khasilwa Ottichilo SUBSCRIBE


Perfomance Rating 1.6


No information

Leadership Assess leadership skills and decision-making.

(13 Votes)

Policy Execution Assess the implementations of the promised policies outlined in the manifesto.

(12 Votes)

Public Engagement Public relations

(10 Votes)

Submitted Pillars

Lisa Achieng

1 month ago

Social Inclusion and Equality There's nepotism in employment.

Violet Mugeha

1 month ago

Healthcare Transformation improve our mulele dispensary at lugaga wamuluma ward

Carolyne mukoya

1 month ago

Policy Execution yet implemented, gbv act,public participation

Carolyne mukoya

1 month ago

Economic Empowerment very poor

Lisa Achieng

1 month ago

Policy Execution Very poor. Public participation and Gender Based Violence are pending.